About us

Eduheal Foundation(EHF) is a registered NGO promoted by leading educationists, corporate heads and media doyens. EHF is actively engaged in searching talented school students by reaching out to 4000 schools.
McKinsey report sums up to Go GLOBAL initiative of EHF necessating the need for training camps for international contests with more than 60 prizes of a least $ 250 million at stake. EHF is the official Indian partner of Google and is spearheading the Google Science Fair initiative into Indian schools. Also it has partnered with Bombay Stock Exchange (BSE) institute for promoting financial literacy.
Being a year long process with stiff dead lines, an early decision to participate will be appreciated. Please send the consent of participation in the enclosed registration form. Our Regional coordinators will visit you to provide more details.
For any registration query please contact EHF National coordinator +91-9599429957 or email: info@eduhealfoundation.org